Friday, June 12, 2009

My Part Time Pussy Cat

That's Ah Pui. Isn't she cute? She's also affectionately known as Fatty, Pui Eh, Greedy, Pom Pom, Flabby, and all sorts of other degratory weight names hehe. I know Ah Pui is more of a masculine name for her, but sadly the nickname has stuck...

Meet Ah Pui, my part time cat :)

Act Demure Pose

It all started when 2 stray cats, one fat, one skinny(no points guessing which was Ah Pui), turned up outside our workplace one day. They are already being fed twice daily by a kind hearted lady at the void deck. The nice lady cooks them healthy meals and every single starving stray cat will patiently wait for her to turn up every morning and every evening.

So this 2 cats, they came to our door and started mewing pitifully like they haven't been fed for the longest time. My colleague, more soft hearted than I am, went to the local mamashop and bought 2 tins of cat food. To which, of course, the 2 cats ate it up greedily.

Actually, Ah Pui ate it up more greedily, 'cause whenever Skinny wanted to take a bite, Ah Pui will swipe his head with her paw.

Yes, this innocent looking Ah Pui has been bullying Skinny. No wonder Skinny is skin and bones. Ah Pui will eat her own share and half of his. What a big bully.

Well, the rest is history. After that fateful day, Ah Pui started hanging outside our door. Mewing to get our attention, clawing the door if we shut her in, manja us in every single way she possibly can to melt even the hardest of the hardest hearts. Skinny was more of a drifter, coming and going as he pleases.

After feeding them a few times with commercial pet food, Ah Pui started rejecting the kind cat lady's home cooked food, and became our permanant door cat.

Skinny eventually drifted apart from Ah Pui and was nowhere to be found :(

Happier times when they still like each other:

So sweet right?

A fat picture of Ah Pui:

I was never allowed to have furry pets at home, so I really surprised myself when I found myself missing that fat ball of fur. I'm really happy 'cause my colleague eventually adopted her :)

Shall leave ya with 2 videos of Ah Pui VS A Hotdog. Enjoy!

Have a good weekend!

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